
Emmanuel PECCAUD
Europe Market Manager - Bel Industrie

I have known Anaïs Deleau and the Leaderia firm for several years and she was able to put me in contact with the right company at the right time.

General Manager – Grand Hôtel du Soleil d’Or - Megève

It was just a year ago that Leaderia placed me in the company that resembles ME. Having been in contact with Anne-Marie Lefèvre for several years, she immediately knew that this position was made for me. And she wasn’t wrong!

Alexandre DELOGE
Plant Director - Eurial

Having applied for an opportunity offered by the firm for a site management position, Anaïs supported me throughout the recruitment process.


The interview with Aurélien was professional, productive, creative and empathetic. He was interested in my individuality, my potential, my singularity and my professional desires (without distinction of gender or origin) and above all was not limited in his reflection to my professional past alone.

Josselin HUTTER
General Manager - Hôtel Saint André des Arts - Paris

The recruitment process implemented by Leaderia is particularly successful. The brief regarding the employer’s needs is clear and precise, the exchanges with Anne-Marie are natural and constructive.

Jean-Marc Venin
CEO - Ami Ingredients

Anaïs, the consultant who supported us on our various recruitments, made a deep effort to understand our company beyond the position: our human environment, our philosophy, our values, in order to offer us a competent candidate compatible with our team.

Sales Director - AMI Ingredients

I would like to underline with this testimony the quality of Leaderia’s support, illustrated to begin with by the time spent understanding our needs, our DNA and the relevance of the questions asked during the brief.

Matthieu BARREAU
General Manager - Les Hôtels Paris Rive Gauche

The recruitment process implemented by Leaderia is particularly successful. The brief regarding the employer’s needs is clear and precise, the exchanges with Anne-Marie are natural and constructive.

Philippe ROULLET
CEO - RANA France

I have worked several times over the last five years with Louis Simon FAURE and his team as a client and then as a candidate.

Corentin ALLEE
Human Ressources Manager - Kersia

Leaderia supported us in the recruitment of strategic functions within our organization.

Operations Director - ACCOR Midscale / Luxury Franchise Network

Over the years and our collaborations, I have appreciated the great expertise and professionalism of Anne-Marie Lefèvre and Leaderia in understanding our businesses.

Véronique DEBARGE
Director of Operations France – Entegra Europe

Leaderia is a true partner, a relationship based on trust and professionalism. Three words to sum up their performance:

Achouak EL ACHI
Human Ressources Manager - Eleni Group

Leaderia supported us in the recruitment of strategic functions within our organization

With this statement, I wish to highlight the quality of Leaderia’s support, starting with the time allotted to understanding our need and DNA, and the relevance of the questions asked during the briefing meeting [...]

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