
Our recruiting firm provides our customers with Outplacement services carried out in partnership with 3 experienced and certified coaches :


We offer an innovative and tailor-made method to help people find a job that will be fulfilling on the long run :

  • A collaborative coaching with an action plan built up, discussed and adapted concertedly
  • A project-team involved for each coaching
  • An assessment service automatically provided while launching the project
  • A customized and flexible support, tailored to the needs of each participant
  • A career follow-up with 2 meetings during the 2 years following the integration in the new position


For each project, we dedicate a team made up of :

– A referent coach

– 2 complementary coaches with a different outlook

– A recruiting consultant who brings expertise on the market and the jobs (assessment, recruiting interview, personal branding, knowledge about the sector…).


Together, we build up a 5-step customized support plan, tailored to the needs and expectations of the participant.


The steps :

  • Conducting your professional and personal overview and assessment
  • Building up your project and strategy
  • Designing your tools and method
  • Launch your search and activate your network
  • Successfully integrating a new company or launching your project


With benevolence, independence and high quality requirements, we offer support, objective and appropriate advice to the people we work for.

With this statement, I wish to highlight the quality of Leaderia’s support, starting with the time allotted to understanding our need and DNA, and the relevance of the questions asked during the briefing meeting [...]

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