How to attract profiles in a tight market?
Companies are struggling to recruit, for 86% of people working in HR, the shortage of candidates is the number one factor limiting hiring. Faced with candidate kings, companies are growing to improve their attractiveness.
Candidates being over-solicited, it is no longer enough to brandish a high salary to convince them to join the company.
In order to meet these challenges, it is necessary to develop new recruitment strategies. This is particularly true for sectors in tension such as the food industry or the hotel and catering industry. For this, different solutions are possible:
- Use a “hunting” strategy: it allows you to reach candidates who are not currently looking for a job but who may be attracted by a project if it corresponds to their aspirations
- Privilege candidates with evolutionary potential: the challenge will motivate them and the step forward proposed. They can be trained specifically according to the needs of the position.
- Assess Talent – Manager/Team compatibility: the best candidate is the one with whom the contact passes, it is the “match”
Aligning your speech and values with actions: proof is the best marketing tool of 2022. Highlighting concrete actions strengthens the attractiveness of companies such as:
Participate in Duo Day
Sign the Diversity Charter
Obtain an EcoVadis certification
- Preparing for the interview: shortage profiles are sought after and they know it. It is no longer just up to the candidate to convince the company, but also to the company to attract the candidate. This requires good preparation for the various questions that a future employee may ask about the technical, administrative or practical aspects of the position.
The cyclical shortage of candidates in the agri-food and hotel and catering industries is not inevitable but a way for companies to improve their employer branding and Talent development strategy. Adapting to a new context makes it possible to do well for candidates and hire the best employees