An ever-growing Leaderia team to support you!
Leaderia at the start of 2022 is an activity in full swing and a solid and committed team.
Today, we have 7 consultants spread over 4 poles which cover the recruitment of sectors from the land to the Table (agricultural, transformation, distribution and hotel-catering)
This team manages more than 100 recruitments on permanent contracts each year and more and more transition management assignments. 5 experienced researchers trained in direct approach techniques support the team
The 4 partners faithful to the values of the firm (Team, Entrepreneurship, Excellence, Exigence and Ethics) carry the strategy and the development Recently, a digital marketing officer joined the team to bring his expertise and develop the company’s reputation.
Finally, an Office Manager assists all employees on the administrative side so that they can be closer to customers and candidates.
Recruiting with Leaderia means contributing to the sustainable growth of our clients and allowing our candidates to develop professionally in a sustainable way.
In this period of tight job market, the choice of a reliable partner is essential.
Note that we are also involved in evaluation, assessments and professional coaching.
Combining talent and performance is the credo of the Leaderia team!