
Professional mobility: career accelerator

Valuing professional mobility is now integrated into HR practices within the food chain sector (agriculture – machinery – agrifood – hotels and restaurants). Companies see it as an opportunity to optimize their performance by promoting the upskilling of employees and candidates. Thanks to mobility, it is possible to offer multiple gateways, from one site to another, from one region to another, or even internationally.

Internal mobility offers employees the opportunity to grow within the organization or sector with a career perspective. It’s definitely a career accelerator… and a very valuable retention factor for the company in these times when talent retention is a priority. For candidates and collaborators, the gateways allow them to progress more quickly according to their aspirations.

Both companies and employees can benefit from internal mobility. Internal recruitment is:

  • Less risky
  • More reliable
  • Faster
  • Cheaper

In addition, the adaptation time, which is shorter, does not require on-boarding because the candidate is already in the company, which allows a faster operational start-up. Internal mobility also improves employees’ sense of belonging and therefore retains them over the long term.

So how do you foster internal mobility among employees? In 70% of cases, it is at the initiative of the employee, so it is important to stimulate this disposition in different ways:

  • Adapting the frame of the annual interviews, these are privileged moments to discuss your professional aspirations
  • Advertise open positions via internal communication tools such as a company blog or job board
  • Organize internal events online or face-to-face if several positions are to be filled simultaneously
  • Organize “live my life” to discover another job, another site, or another service

Internal mobility is a great tool for building loyalty and achieving the professional aspirations of teams.

Recrutement agricole agroalimentaire et hôtellerie-restauration

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