
Companies: do you want to succeed in your recruitments? Take care of your job briefs!

A recruitment need has been identified within your organization, you are about to inform the recruiter, whether it is a firm specializing in agriculture, agri-food or hospitality or an internal recruitment unit. Here you are at a crucial and yet too often neglected stage of recruitment: the job brief!

A clear job brief validated by all stakeholders is the sine qua non for effective and sustainable recruitment. Without it, you open the door to disagreements and constant back and forth in your teams, misunderstandings on the part of the recruiter, loss of time, offbeat profiles, surprises when taking up the position, etc.

So how do you go about it? We advise you to prepare several elements before the brief:

  • Define the recruitment context and agree internally on the needs of each stakeholder. In particular, make sure that HR, management and all the operational staff concerned have the same vision of the position.
  • Precisely define the contours of the position by ranking the missions in order of priority and allocating a percentage of time spent on each task.

  • Benchmark your job offer: compare the position with the reality of the market and the organization of your competitors to ensure that the position corresponds to an existing profile.

  • Ask yourself the question: for whom is this position a step forward? This will allow you to ensure the attractiveness of your offer.

  • Take advantage of this benchmark to think about the job title. It will have an impact on the perception of candidates, especially in the event of an advertisement.

  • Differentiate the essential criteria (without which the candidate cannot succeed) from the desired criteria (which are advantages but on which you can support or train the person). This will allow you to consider new solutions and anticipate openings if your dream candidate does not exist or is not available on the market.


At each mission launch, these are questions that we systematically ask our clients, and on which we can offer support before the launch of the mission.

We observe on a daily basis that with a precise brief, in line with the realities of the market, you save precious time and you make sure that we are looking for your candidate in the right place from the start of the search. This precision is also a guarantee of a positive candidate experience, a good corporate image and better attractiveness.

Réussir son brief de poste

With this statement, I wish to highlight the quality of Leaderia’s support, starting with the time allotted to understanding our need and DNA, and the relevance of the questions asked during the briefing meeting [...]

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