Beyond the Slogan, the #QVCT is the real heart of the working conditions revolution. Focus on inspiring examples!
The Quality of Life at Work takes on different realities, some of which may appear superficial (such as the now famous table football, for example), but who could say today that the health of employees, good working conditions, or even the rewriting of certain managerial practices are not essential to the smooth running of a company?
It is however in France a recent aspiration, which only made its official entry into the reality of companies in the National Interprofessional Agreement (ANI) in June 2013: “It can be conceived as a feeling of well – being at work perceived collectively and individually which encompasses the atmosphere, the culture of the company, the interest of the work, the working conditions, the feeling of involvement, the degree of autonomy and responsibility, equality, a right to make mistakes granted to everyone, recognition and appreciation of the work done (…) It is one of the constituent elements of an assumed corporate social responsibility. “, since the Rebsamen law of August 2015 and article 55 of the El Khomri law dating from 2016 (imposing negotiation on the right to disconnect), and several other legal provisions have made this objective to improve the balance professional life and personal life a cornerstone of the company. In addition, the strength of the collective has been able to reinforce the effectiveness of these systems over the years, to arrive today at a commitment to an invested and embodied HR policy, which allows companies to be efficient and innovative on these subjects, and employees to become more involved in their well-being.
Benefits for employees, but also for the company!
The well-being and fulfillment of employees not only reinforces the feeling of belonging, but also mutual respect, a performance booster if ever there was one. The #QVCT would therefore be THE solution which, once made sustainable, would give new impetus to the value of work? New DNA of performance, it seems to be in any case the ground that will offer companies and employees this ideal: working together, in authenticity and responsiveness, and winning. Judge for yourself: according to a 2020 study by Gallup, companies that invest in employee engagement see their productivity increase by 17% and their profitability by 21%!
Examples of initiatives around Quality of Life at Work are now legion and their results are tangible: Thus, Danone has implemented the “One Person, One Voice” program which encourages employee commitment at all levels of organization, offering very tangible benefits such as extended parental leave, flexible work-from-home policies and wellness programs to promote work-life balance. At Nestlé, the “Nestlé Needs YOUth” program aims to promote youth employment and develop their skills.
Another example at Chobani, a dairy and Greek yogurt company. Here the QVCT is based on the creation of an inclusive work environment: paid parental leave, full social benefits, training and professional development opportunities, are all guarantees that make tangible the confidence of employees in a company able to support them. at life stages such as the birth of a child, but also advancing in age or even support for changing professional plans.
Isabelle Leverne, who has devoted her career to Human Resources, is now a stress prevention and management coach. For her, the Quality of Life at Work came at the right time to respond to the acceleration of time and the multiplication of processes due in particular to the change in technology. For her, the QVCT goes far beyond a company that would adopt the codes of the hotel industry by focusing solely on the individual as a person and by offering individual services, such as concierge services or pressing.
For Isabelle, the necessary work around the QVCT is an opportunity for the company to question itself, even to renew itself, to provide employees aiming at this contemporary intensity of rhythms, a psychological comfort that has become essential. It ensures this by supporting, informing and raising awareness among employees to awaken to tools that they are too often unaware of, and which can nevertheless make their organization at work more flexible and lighter. She cites in particular the creation of “Benevolent” positions, whose absence of hierarchical links with employees, allows dialogue and freedom of speech within organizations, unprecedented and benefactor.
And finally, let’s leave to Sir Richard Branson, a daring entrepreneur with a constantly innovative approach, the final word on this unifying and modern subject if ever there was one: QVTC:
“Well-being and productivity go hand in hand when quality of work life is a priority.”