“How to preserve the employment of seniors in your company”
France is one of the European Union countries that lags behind in terms of employment for seniors. Despite a retirement system that requires us to work longer, individuals over the age of 55 face difficulties in an increasingly specialized and competitive job market.
However, in recent years, France and the entire European Union have been facing the challenge of population aging and a decline in the active population.
In this context of the “silver wave,” employment for seniors and the extension of working life should be at the heart of HR concerns. Four dimensions should be considered:
- Career and skills management at all stages of life, based on the principles of non-discrimination.
- Individualized management for all employees.
- Improvement of senior training programs.
- Enhancement of seniors’ employability.
To breathe new life into the careers of seniors, it is crucial that these action plans be accompanied by a shift in mindsets. Let’s abandon preconceived notions! Individuals over the age of 50 possess numerous qualities that are often overlooked:
- Extensive field experience.
- Valuable know-how that is beneficial to younger generations.
- Strong adaptability in the workplace.
- Resilience to pressure and stress.