Candidates: you have your say in the choice of your employer!
In a period of transition, the reflex is above all to hope to be selected by a company. However, do not forget that you too have a selection to make in order to choose the position and the company that will meet your expectations.
- The recruiter questions you, evaluates you, compares you in the interview to ensure that you are in line with his needs. You have the responsibility to do the same to ensure that the company, the position, and the relational ecosystem are suitable for you.
- The recruitment process is often a reflection of the internal organization of the company. A very long process, excessive waiting times say a lot about the structure and responsiveness of a company.
- The same goes for the conduct of the interviews: dubious questioning methods, an unpleasant recruiter, a lack of benevolence can put a flea in your ear. If you are not comfortable with your potential employer in the interview, what guarantee that it will improve once in office?
Take the time to learn about the company in detail: financial strength, short, medium and long-term projects, potential restructuring, etc. Still too many candidates tell us about failures because integration happens too quickly in companies without being sure of the sustainability of their position as the recruiter describes it in the interview.
The recruitment process is more and more a balance of equal forces. Companies, do not forget either that you are not the only decision makers during a recruitment and that the candidates have their say: transparent, attractive and reactive appointments! Candidates, take a step back to choose the right position!