
Job Hopping: new generation, new organization

What if regularly changing companies was the new way to pursue your professional career?

Some recruiters will find this idea surprising, as it is common (among 39% of recruiters) to consider Job Hopping as a brake on hiring. Perceived as a lack of stability and maturity, or even as an investment at a loss by companies, this practice is becoming more and more widespread, especially among Generation Z (people born between 1995 and 2010).

Job Hopping is both a way for employees to develop their skills more quickly but also to broaden their fields of action. Regular changes also allow them to develop adaptability, agility and resilience. These switchers, as they can also be called, are people who can bring a lot to their businesses. Far from linear careers, a job hopper is a lively, sharp person, and above all with varied experiences who can be useful for developing internal projects.

In the agricultural and agri-food sectors, candidates are also rarer and less inclined to change companies. A questioning of certainties and practices is then to be done in order to develop its attractiveness and its Employer Brand. Accepting that job hoppers are good candidates is part of it. Admittedly, they will stay, in theory, for less time than an employee with a more traditional career, but they will bring particularly varied skills.

Let’s not forget that it is still possible to keep them a little longer by feeding their need for stimulation, in particular through internal mobility or expanding their scope of action. The management and the corporate culture, if they are adapted, can weigh in the balance and improve the retention of these workers eager for change and freedom.

job Hopping : nouvelle tendance emploi chez les cadres

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