When TikTok my job coach: Do you know the Workfluencers?
Overtaken by Fashion, Food or Lifestyle influencers: the new trend on a network that is nevertheless reputed to be superficial such as TikTok is to talk…. Work !
Judge for yourself: when the famous hashtag #quietquitting (where employees tell frankly how they do the minimum to give the change in their workplace, without actually resigning) accumulates 90 million views, #careertiktok, him, soars to 1.5 billion! And all the subjects are covered: succeeding in your job interview, increasing your salary, negotiating your holidays, new office uses brought about by massive teleworking or even saying no to overtime, nothing is taboo, everything is coachable.
Two women, very different but inhabited by this same energy undoubtedly “Future of Work”, dominate the subject in France: Karine Trioullier, known on the networks under the name of “Carrer Kueen“, and Maryam Kante, alias “Mama.job” . These two creators started during the confinements, and today have more than 600K subscribers each on the famous platform where we still expect to come across cats and ballroom dancers rather than content providing sharp advice. in salary negotiations. It is true that when we see that it is common for Karine Trioullier’s videos to exceed one million views with subjects such as: “Jobs that will disappear in 2030”, “Negotiating in the face of a salary offer that is too low” (3 Million views!), or even “Why ask if the candidate has other leads”, and that those of Maryam Kante are surfing hundreds of thousands of likes with questions such as: “Never go to a job interview without being prepared”; “What questions do you ask at the end of your interviews? », we understand that fulfillment at work and career management are major subjects today, and ultimately little covered by more traditional media.
Before embodying “Career Kueen“, Karine Triouillier, who defines herself as “Talent Architect”, was a career coach. And she still provides guidance and professional development advice through her agency.
For this super dynamic 50-year-old who exudes benevolence and has an impressive collection of colored glasses, TikTok is first and foremost the means of advising an age group that she could not have reached: 18-25 year olds. However, her audience very quickly became much larger than that, and Karine Triouillier now says she tries to cover all areas of expertise, from the public service to private executives and hospitals, without omitting students and Parcoursup. . His alert tone, super positive without being naive, has, since the launch of his TikTokien avatar, triggered a craze that unites a community of all ages and materializes in hundreds of daily messages of thanks: “Your video is a real source of inspiration and motivation! THANKS ” ; “I really like the way you explain with humor”; or even “This lady is really the Best”.
Maryam Kante, very young in her thirties and who officiates under the alias Mama.job, studied at the reference school “Sup de RH”, and was a consultant for the Deloitte group before devoting herself exclusively to her job as a designer. content for TikTok and Instagram. The bulk of its audience is recruited from very young adults, who find in its very staged videos posted at the rate of one per day, a salutary help to guide them in a world of work of which they are unaware for the most part. codes and rules. Indeed, the gap between school and business life still too often remains a blind spot in academic training in France, and 18-25 year olds are grateful to find a medium that corresponds to their generation and that seeks to facilitate their access to employment in a way that is not only playful and creative but also full of humour. They are 150K to follow her on Instagram, and more than 650K on TikTok. Pôle Emploi made no mistake about it, since Mama Job was chosen to be the ambassador for the second edition of “Mission Emploi”, a job search assistance portal dedicated to a target of 16-30 year olds.
And if you have also noticed this new “Creator” mode on Linkedin, you know that the first professional social network, a platform hitherto reserved for very polished and not very porous exchanges with the sometimes dangerous personal/pro, has not only open to conversation, but encourages with this new feature the sharing of “experience”, and thus acclaims the visibility of influencer accounts.
Linkedin is 850 million CVs online, so this paradigm shift says a lot about the evolution of mores and customs in the world of work, when the trend of the world’s leading professional social network is to move from factual CVs and no frills to the encouragement to make his page a personal branding space. And why not, to become a Workfluencer too….